GentleWave® Procedure
The GentleWave Procedure excels at cleaning and disinfection of the root canal system.
A proprietary mix of multisonic energy and vortical flow delivers powerful debridement and disinfection.
Infection in complex, constricted and curved root canal anatomy is within reach with the GentleWave Procedure.
The minimally invasive protocol of the GentleWave Procedure reduces post-op pain and promotes fast healing for patients. It starts inside the system, where each irrigant is thoroughly degassed, precisely diluted and continuously refreshed throughout the procedure to maximize cleaning efficiency.
Controlled cavitation
The irrigant is delivered into the tooth containing a continuous cavitation cloud of tiny, imploding vapor bubbles.
Multisonic Activation
These implosions create a constant barrage of shockwaves of multisonic energy that disrupt and dissolve pulp, biofilm and other debris.
Thorough disinfection
The multisonic energy vibrates throughout the root canal system and accelerates the chemistry of the irrigant to expedite cleaning.
Apical protection
As the irrigant stream passes over the endodontic access, vortical flow is
created, producing negative pressure that guards against apical
Refreshed irrigation
The vortical flow lifts debris up and out of the canal for disposal, allowing continuously refreshed irrigant into the canals for optimal cleaning and disinfection.