Tooth Extraction West Loop

Chicago Area

Your oral health serves a multitude of vital functions. It enables you to grasp and savor your meals. Proper chewing is pivotal for digestion and your overall nourishment. Your teeth play a role in managing airflow and enabling specific sounds as you communicate.


Moreover, the overall state of your oral health plays a significant part in preserving the strength and well-being of your jawbone. At Cameo Dental Specialists, we offer specialized comprehensive dental services under one roof at our convenient West Loop location in Chicago, IL.


If there is any damage to your smile, our West loop specialist team will make every effort to preserve your dental health.


However, there are still those situations where saving a tooth isn’t feasible. In such cases, our team of doctors can perform an extraction and any other basic dental services needed when you come in for your appointment at Cameo Dental Specialists’s West Loop office in Chicago IL.


When your teeth are damaged, it is important to schedule a dental appointment right away, even if the damage does not seem that bad at the time of the injury.


While small damage might only cause a cosmetic issue, it can worsen over time. More significant damage can cause serious issues. The strength of the affected teeth may become compromised, putting the tooth at risk of splitting or shattering. The health of the tooth is at risk as well.


Damage that extends past the enamel can allow bacteria to enter inside of the tooth. This can lead to a painful infection that can put your whole-body at risk as well.


At our specialized dental practice, our doctors make every effort to address your dental concerns and save natural teeth whenever possible. Before our West Loop dentist decides to perform an extraction, the first step is a consultation and exam, especially if this is your initial visit with us.


The exam will include taking digital images with the latest technology we have at our dental office. These images allow the doctor to see exactly what is happening below the gum line. All other dental care treatments will be considered; our West Loop dentist will perform an extraction for our patients as a last result.

Reasons for Extraction

  • Severe Damage: Teeth damaged by trauma, decay, or infection may reach a point where saving them is no longer viable. In such cases, extraction becomes the best solution to prevent further complications.
  • Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Wisdom teeth often don’t have enough room to emerge properly, leading to impaction. This can result in pain, infection, and even damage to neighboring teeth, making extraction necessary.
  • Overcrowding: Sometimes, orthodontic treatment requires creating space in a crowded mouth. Tooth extraction can help align your teeth correctly and improve your overall oral health.
  • Gum Disease: Advanced gum disease can cause teeth to become loose and unstable. In such cases, extraction may be the only way to stop the disease from spreading.
  • Preparation for Orthodontics: In certain orthodontic cases, removing a tooth can aid in achieving the desired alignment and bite correction.


There are two types of treatments of tooth extractions that may be performed depending upon your situation.

  • Simple tooth extraction, like the name suggests, is fairly simple and straightforward. The procedure is done under a local anesthetic. We begin with a tool called an elevator, which helps to separate the gums and periodontal ligament from around the tooth. Forceps are then used to loosen the tooth and then pull it free.
  • The other type of extraction that may be performed is a surgical extraction. This type of extraction is used in more complex or complicated situations. Like simple extractions, a local anesthetic is administered to numb the extraction site so that you do not feel any discomfort. Sedation may also be provided to help you feel more comfortable during the procedure.
  • An incision is made at the tooth to expose the root and surrounding bone. The tooth is then carefully and completely removed from the socket. Once removed, the socket is cleaned out, and the surgical wound is sutured closed.



If you are experiencing pain and suspect you might need a tooth extracted, call Cameo Dental Specialists at (872) 246-7525 to schedule your consultation today.