The Dental Implant Process

Chicago, IL

Dental implants, offered here at Cameo Dental Specialists, have become one of the most popular options when it comes to replacing missing teeth. They consist of small, titanium rods, which are inserted into the jawbone. Abutments are set on top of the rods and connect the rods to your replacement teeth. Implants involve a surgical procedure, which is far more involved than other replacement options. However, the benefits of implants far outweigh the procedure, making them well worth the effort.


Dental implants come with numerous benefits:

  • Restored smile (and confidence).
  • Eating becomes easier, and your digestion (and overall health) improves.
  • Improved speech.
  • More comfortable than dentures (your teeth are supported by the implants, rather than your gums).
  • Your new teeth can be cared for just like your natural teeth. There is no extra maintenance required.
  • Implants do not need to be removed nightly.
  • The titanium rods imitate the functions of your natural tooth roots. This allows them to prevent the bone loss typically associated with tooth loss. As a result, your jaw remains strong, and you do not have to worry about premature aging.
Dental Implants in River Forest, Berwyn, La Grange, West Loop & Elmhurst


Before you can be considered for dental implants, we first require a consultation. This consultation allows us to get a thorough look at your mouth, and determine if implants truly are the best course of action for you. We examine the interior of your mouth and take 3-dimensional digital images as well. The images provide us with an up-close look at the condition of your jawbone. They can also be used to determine the best placement for your implants, which will provide you with maximum stability.


If you are determined to be an ideal candidate for dental implants, we will then move ahead and schedule your surgery. On the day of your procedure, we start by administering a local anesthetic to the surgical sites. If necessary, we can also provide you with sedation, which will allow you to relax. Once the anesthetic has taken effect, any severely damaged, unsalvageable teeth are removed. We then move ahead with the placement of your implants. First, we make incisions in your gums, which provides us with access to your jawbone. Next, we drill into the bone. The titanium rods are inserted. Finally, your gums are stitched closed around the rods, leaving just a small amount exposed above the tissue. You will be given a set of temporary teeth before you leave, which will allow you some function while you heal.


As with any surgical procedure, a period of recovery is required. The exact time depends on the number of implants. Typically, it can take anywhere from several weeks to several months. During this time, your jawbone fuses to the titanium rods, allowing for them to become stable “roots” for your permanent restorations. Known as osseointegration, this process is critical. We will provide you with a set of specific instructions to follow during this stage, and adhering to these instructions will help to ensure a smooth, easy recovery.


Once you have healed, it’s time for your permanent teeth. We place abutments on your implants and take impressions of your mouth. The impressions are used to design and create your permanent replacement teeth. Once they are ready, they are secured in place with screws. You leave with a set of fully-functioning, completely natural set of teeth.


If you are interested in learning more about dental implants, and finding out if they are right for you, contact Cameo Dental Specialists today at (630) 446-2921!